Articles and Podcasts
Houston Chronicle: Sugar Land Bishop Excommunicated for speaking out against Mormon church
Time Magazine: Mormon Church should tolerate, not excommunicate
Patheos Columnist:The Mormon Therapist Blog
Guest on Podcasts:
Ep. 1302-1303: Emotional Intimacy - The Key to Healthy Relationships During a Mormon Faith Crisis
Ep. 1300-1301: Improving Mental Health During a Mormon Faith Crisis
Ep. 1225: Natasha Helfer Parker - "I Am Not Broken" (Thriveday 2019)
Ep. 1156: Reclaiming Healthy Sexuality After a Faith Transition by Natasha Helfer Parker (Thrive June 2019 Conference)
Ep. 41: Masturbation, Values, and Kids
Ep. 71: Sex Positive Mormon Therapist
Masturbation and Satisfaction
Ep. 308-309: Making Sense of the research on Homosexuality-Parts 1&2: Biological Factors
Ep. 276: Being Heard in Today's Church
Ep. 269: The Effects of Excommunication on All of Us: Healing Perspectives
Ep. 237-238: Hope and Healing in the Face of LDS Current Events
Ep. 234: Perspectives on News of Possible Excommunications of LDS Activists, Part 4
Ep. 170-171: Toward Expanding and Improving LDS Discourse about Sexuality
Ep. 47: When Worldviews Go Haywire: Breivik, Jeffs, and the Religion/Mental Health Matrix
Ep. 159: Ye Are the Temple of God
Ep. 156: Partiality, God, and Humans
Ep. 111.1: Hosea: Fidelity to God and Each Other
Ep. 88.1-88.2: Sexual Morality and Sexual Morality
Ep. 57: Suffering
Ep. 20: Book of Mormon Lesson 43
Ep. 12: Book of Mormon Lesson 35
The Epic Sex Series - Part 1: The Mixed Messages We Give Our Youth About Sex
An Epic Response to "The Lord's Standard of Morality" (Part 1)
An Epic Response to "The Lord's Standard of Morality" (Part 2)
Ep. 178 Post Religious Sexuality
Ethics in Practicing Sex Therapy-September 12, 2014 Newton KS - SEX THERAPY WITH RELIGIOUSLY CONSERVATIVE CLIENTS
Sexual Attitude Reassessment:January 31-February 1, 2020 Orange County CA (W/ Stephanie Buehler) -
Checking your Religious Bias as a Therapist Friends University, Emporia State University, University of Kansas: Fort Hays Campus
Healthy Sexuality: How do we & who gets to define it?-Cache Valley Oasis - July 2016 and Kansas City Oasis - May 2016
Wichita Oasis (2017) - How to talk to kids about sex
Sunstone Symposium
Healthy Mormon Narratives (w/ Lisa Butterworth) - April 2017 @ Sunstone Boise
Faith Again
Come, Come, Ye Saints: Processing and Perspective of Current Events